Transport planner jobs in Birmingham

There are 0 transport planner jobs in Birmingham

Calling out to all transit fans: we have transport planner jobs in Birmingham available! This is your chance to make a difference in Birmingham’s transport network, whether you’re interested in cars, trains, buses, or the future of transportation. Find your ideal role by using our handy filters; you can tick work preferences, reorder the job listings, and even enter keywords. With just a few clicks, you’ll have a handful of transport planner vacancies in Birmingham that are perfect for you. Take full advantage of our search features by registering with us, and then apply for transport planner jobs in Birmingham in mere minutes!

The ins and outs of transport planner jobs in Birmingham

What does a transport planner actually do? Well, they analyse transport systems, from buses to ferries, looking for where the system could be fixed or optimised. They then create plans for new transportation options. Transit planner jobs in Birmingham do require some certifications and qualifications in the field, like the Transport Planning Professional (TPP) certificate. Think you’ve got what it takes? Log in to start applying for transport planner jobs in Birmingham today.

Here at YoungCapital, we aim to cater to every kind of jobseeker. Have you recently finished up at uni or another institution? Luckily for you, we offer graduate jobs in Birmingham for transport planners; just use the ‘graduate jobs’ filter on this page. Have you got some experience in the field? Then you can simply tick the contract type you’re after, whether that’s a temporary job or a full-time job in Birmingham. Are you after a role that’s more on the design side than the analysis side? Then why not go for a transport engineering job in Birmingham? While similar to transport planner roles, you won’t find them here; instead, look at our engineering jobs in Birmingham page. So go explore your options; we’re sure to have work suitable for you on our site.

FAQs about transport planner jobs in Birmingham:

How much can I earn in a transport planner job in Birmingham?

The average transport planner job salary in Birmingham is around £28,000-£36,000. Many vacancies have the exact salary in their description, so explore the jobs on this page to learn more.

Where can I find the latest transport planner vacancies in Birmingham?

Just sort this page by newest vacancies. No transport planner jobs that interest you in Birmingham? Keep up-to-date with the latest vacancies by signing up with us and switching on email alerts.

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