Security jobs in Cardiff

There are 0 security jobs in Cardiff

Interested in a security job in Cardiff? You'll find plenty of options on our site. A career in security isn't for everyone; it involves a lot of responsibility and work. But when it's all said and done, it can be very rewarding. There is tons of security work available in Cardiff - everything from being a bouncer to working as a CCTV operator, and more. Once you've found the right vacancy, register on our site to take advantage of streamlined applications and customised notifications. No openings you're interested in right now? Don't worry! Turn on vacancy alerts, so you can stay up to date with the newest security job in Cardiff.

What you should know about security jobs in Cardiff

There are many reasons why Cardiff is the best place to find security jobs. For one, there is a wide range of options available for both beginners and experienced security workers. Beyond simply finding work in Cardiff, security can be extremely rewarding. Not only do you get to help keep people safe, but you also get to play an important role in keeping businesses and homes secure.

Prefer the social aspect of security work? Then a door supervisor job in Cardiff would be your bread and butter. You’ll be tasked with checking bags or IDs, and keeping unruly people in check. Too much social pressure? Then go for a CCTV operator job in Cardiff. With a job as a security guard in Cardiff, you’ll be reporting suspicious activity, carrying out regular security equipment checks, and watching cameras. To find these types of work, just enter keywords like ‘CCTV’ or ‘bouncer’ in the search box on this page.

Aside from your run-of-the-mill security jobs, information in Cardiff needs securing too! There are many opportunities for those with the right skill set, since IT jobs in Cardiff’s security sector require a bit more technical know-how. If that’s you, and you have a relevant background in cybersecurity, click through to find suitable options. Just type in ‘security’ in the search box to find relevant job vacancies.

The types of contracts for security jobs in Cardiff

Security jobs can be done on a part-time or full-time basis in Cardiff. Many hospitality establishments and building premises operate during the late hours, which requires regular security. It is definitely possible to work full-time, but you’ll need to be prepared to take on more responsibilities. Want to get a security officer job in Cardiff at night? Have a go at our evening job in Cardiff. Only have time during the weekends, and want to combine security work with your regular day job? See if there are any options available on our weekend jobs in Cardiff page. Want to see an overview our all our security jobs in Cardiff that offer a part-time contract? Head to our part-time jobs in Cardiff.

Requirements for a security job in Cardiff

The requirements needed for a security job in the UK may vary depending on the employer, but most will require at least a basic level of training and certification. Officially, you’ll need a front line Security Industry Authority (SIA) licence to work a security guard job in Cardiff. If you already have a successful track record, there’s nothing stopping you from applying for a security manager job in Cardiff. However, if you’re just starting out, your best bet is to take some courses, or enter a security training programme.

FAQs about security jobs in Cardiff:

What are the highest-paying security jobs in Cardiff?

Security engineer jobs in Cardiff are some of the highest-paying positions in security. Head over to our engineering jobs in Cardiff page, and use ‘security’ as a keyword to find relevant positions.

What are the requirements for a security job in Cardiff?

To be eligible for a security job position in Cardiff, you must have obtained a government approved UK Security Industry Authority (SIA) licence.

How can I stay up to date with the latest security jobs in Cardiff?

If you don’t have a YoungCapital account, make sure you register and switch on your email alerts for security officer jobs in Cardiff in your settings.

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