Summer jobs in Preston

There are 44 summer jobs in Preston

Wondering how to get a summer job in Preston? We’ve got you covered with a load of opportunities to browse on our platform. With seasonal jobs in Preston within logistics, retail, admin, and more, there’ll be something for you. Not too keen on leaving your house this summer season? No worries, we have work-from-home jobs available to do from your sofa - the ultimate flexibility in hours and location. Or be active and start scrolling, and register with us to save all your favourite vacancies to your profile. And don’t forget to turn on job alerts to be emailed whenever new suitable summer jobs in Preston become available.

How to land a summer job in Preston

First off is finding a relevant summer job in Preston. We’ve made it dead simple with our easy to use filtering system. Check off your preference of industry/profession, distance, and level of education. Then, enter any relevant keywords in the search bar and sort by distance and latest vacancies. It’s super simple to narrow your search for seasonal jobs in Preston on this page, so get filtering, and save the postings that catch your eye to your profile!

So now you’ve found a summer job in Preston you want to apply for, but aren’t sure how to go about it? All good! Let’s go through it. You’ll need to have a professional-standard CV; it should be clear, concise, and only include relevant information for summer jobs in Preston. A cover letter is a major bonus, as employers love people willing to put some effort in. It’s also your chance to show why you want the role, and why you’re the correct choice. Once you’ve got those documents sorted, you’ll be getting a part-time job in Preston over the summer in no time.

FAQs about summer jobs in Preston:

Where can I find summer jobs near Preston?

For easy commuting from Preston, check out our summer jobs in Blackburn and summer jobs in Blackpool. We serve loads of cities in the area, so take your pick.

How can I find out about the latest seasonal jobs in Preston?

Easy-peasy, just create a YoungCapital profile! There you can enter your contact details and work preferences, and turn on job alerts to receive the latest summer jobs in Preston as soon as they go live.

Paid Research - Work From Home (Mystery Shopping, Product Testing, Focus Groups, Surveys & More)

General Manager

Part-time/student jobs as a babysitter or nanny

Red Bull Student Marketeer - Midlands

Become a babysitter, pet sitter or tutor for a family near you!

Teach from home as a Private Tutor - No experience/Part Time Job

Maths & Science Tutor - Work from Anywhere in the UK, No Previous Experience Needed

Red Bull Student Marketeer - Northern England

Assistant Manager


Work from home and earn money with Opinion Outpost

Focus Groups (Work From Home)

Take surveys! Work part-time from home and get £6 per survey

Get paid up to £250 a week for your own opinion - start now!

Activity Leader (Fixed Term Summer Contract)

Data Entry Remote Work From Home Online

Complete online tasks - Work from home - Part Time

Immediate start - Work from home online - No experience required

Part-time/student jobs in household help

Side Job from Home - Earn Money with Surveys


Mystery Shopper (Work From Home)

Your opinions are valuable – get rewarded for them!

Become a Mentor for Language Learners - Free Hotel Stays in Europe

Activity Leader (Fixed-Term Summer only)

EFL Teacher Summer Centres

Part-time pet care jobs

Red Bull Student Marketeer - Wales & West England

Red Bull Student Marketeer - London & East

Red Bull Student Marketeer - Scotland & North East

Part time job / Work from home: Market researcher for TV and Radio