Salary tips

How much a job pays is, for many people, the most important thing about a vacancy. But how do you know how much you’re worth paying? And how do you communicate that to employers? We’re here to help; our articles cover that and more. So don’t let money worries get in the way of your job hunt. Take a scroll through this page to find excellent salary tips and tricks. When you’re done with that, it’s time to start applying for jobs; take a look at our latest vacancies today.

Need some salary advice?

Getting paid is important. But, money can often be an awkward topic to discuss, which is why so many people are left in the dark about the ins and outs of salaries. That’s why we’re here to give you the latest and greatest wage advice.

Struggling with getting paid what you’re worth? Learn how to properly negotiate your salary. These tips serve well for jobseekers in the interview process, as well as employed individuals trying to get a raise. Still not getting paid enough? Start browsing vacancies near you and find one that’ll give you what you need.

Not sure how much you’re worth? Then you need to figure out your salary expectations. This is commonly asked by interviewers and recruiters, so working this out ahead of time will serve you well. Read our article about it to find out more.

FAQs about salaries

  • How can I make my salary better?

  • Often, the best way to increase your salary is by switching jobs. This can be simply changing to a different company, or using this opportunity to climb the job ladder. Search for top-notch vacancies with YoungCapital.

  • Can you negotiate base salary?

  • Of course! If you need tips on how to negotiate a salary, check out our full-length article.

  • Should I accept a job offer lower than current salary?

  • There are many factors to consider other than salary. Does the offered role make you happier? Will you save money in other ways, like commuting? Are you given additional benefits? Think about the pros and cons before accepting a job offer.

  • What should I say when asked for my salary expectations?

  • This is a staple interview question, so you should be prepared to answer your salary expectation. We recommend doing some research to find what the position pays on average, as well as evaluating it against your previous jobs.

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