Security jobs in Aberdeen

There are 0 security jobs in Aberdeen

After a security job in Aberdeen? We have the best of them on our site. Whether you're eager to kickstart your career in security, or you already have years of experience, there's something for everyone. On this page, you can filter security work in Aberdeen by preferences like distance from the city centre, education level, and type of employment. Once you register with us, you can also save vacancies and apply with just a few clicks. Can't find anything yet? Turn on vacancy alerts in your profile settings, and we'll send security jobs in Aberdeen to your inbox as soon as they roll in!

A rundown of our security jobs in Aberdeen

In the Aberdeen area, you'll find security jobs in various industries and fields of work. Ultimately, the ideal job for you depends on your interests, background, and experience. If you are going to get a job as a security guard in Aberdeen, you may need a front line SIA licence. You will need an SIA licence if the work you will be doing is part of a 'contract for services' and involves a 'licensable activity'. Make sure that you go over the requirements before applying for a security job. A job as security officer in Aberdeen carries quite a bit of responsibility, and there’s a chance you’ll have to do some tests before being accepted for a role.

If you’re looking for something that’s relatively entry-level, then a CCTV operator job in Aberdeen would be a prime choice. CCTV operators spend the bulk of their time inside a control room watching cameras, reporting suspicious behaviour, and carrying out checks. This type of security work in Aberdeen can be done on a part-time basis, as it’s common to work shifts. If you’d like to combine security work with other commitments, sort the vacancies on this page by ‘part-time’ or head to our part-time jobs in Aberdeen for a wider variety of options. Only available during the weekends or evenings? We also have the option of getting a security job in Aberdeen during weekends or in the evenings.

Do you want to take your security job in Aberdeen to the next level? And do you have a few years of experience already? Then you may be primed for a security manager job in Aberdeen. In this role, you’ll be responsible for a team, and will run operations directly. Perhaps you have skills and experience in other fields like ICT, in which case you could even go for a cybersecurity role. Whatever you’re after, we’ll make sure to provide you with a variety of vacancies. Not in a rush? Turn on vacancy alerts in your profile to stay updated.

FAQs about security jobs in Aberdeen:

What are the requirements for a security job in Aberdeen?

To be eligible for a security job position in Aberdeen, you must have obtained a government-approved UK Security Industry Authority (SIA) licence.

What are the highest-paying security jobs in Aberdeen?

Security engineer jobs in Aberdeen are some of the highest-paying positions in security. Head over to our engineering jobs in Aberdeen page, and use ‘security’ as a keyword to find relevant positions. Or, you can use your technical security know-how in a high-paying ICT job in Aberdeen.

I’ve been looking for a security job in Aberdeen, but can’t find one. What now?

If you can’t immediately find a security job in Aberdeen with us, turn on vacancy alerts in your profile. Once a new vacancy enters our database, you’ll be the first to get a notification!

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