Sales jobs in Bristol

There are 3 sales jobs in Bristol

Looking around for a sales job in Bristol? Finding and applying to vacancies on our site is a breeze. With a few clicks, you can sort all our job posts based on your preferences, such as educational level, type of contract, or even distance from the city centre. When you’ve rooted out your ideal sales vacancies in Bristol, hit ‘apply directly’ and follow the on-screen instructions. Make sure to register with our website, so you can upload your CV and fill out any details that are helpful for our recruiters. Then, turn on vacancy alerts to receive the latest sales jobs in Bristol in your inbox!

The ins and outs of sales jobs in Bristol

A typical career in sales starts with a sales assistant job in Bristol. They’re often found in the retail industry, and are great for those with minimal experience. You’ll be doing a variety of tasks in a sales representative job in Bristol, such as greeting customers as they come into the shop, giving them advice, and helping them pay. There’s of course, much more variety than just retail assistant jobs. Bristol’s businesses require staff that can provide administrative support for its operations. That’s where commercial assistant jobs in Bristol come into play. In this role, you’ll be working closely with the sales and marketing departments and providing customer service. These roles also make for ideal sales graduate jobs in Bristol, as they cover a wide range of skills and tasks. Click through to any of the above to discover your options.

If you’ve got a bit more experience under your belt, the world of sales is your oyster. You could get a car sales job in Bristol, for example, if you’re passionate about selling vehicles. Or how about working a job as a sales executive in Bristol, promoting products and services to clients and negotiating contracts? These types of roles often come in the form of account manager jobs in Bristol. Or would you rather be out and about instead of stuck in an office? You could get a field sales job position in Bristol, visiting clients in the area. And if you really want to reach for a job at the top of the heap, we also offer sales manager jobs in Bristol for those with managerial experience. To find any of these types of roles, just enter any of the keywords like ‘car’, ‘executive’ or ‘manager’ in the search bar to find relevant results.

FAQs about sales jobs in Bristol:

Can I get a sales job in Bristol on a part-time contract?

You absolutely can. To find them, all you need to do is filter the vacancies on this page by ‘part-time’. Or, head to our part-time jobs in Bristol page and use the keyword ‘sales’ to find jobs in Bristol that way.

Does YoungCapital offer sales jobs near Bristol?

Yes, we offer sales jobs near Bristol and in most cities across the UK! Check out our nearby sales jobs in Bath, for example. So, don’t limit your applications to only one city!