Sales jobs in Leicester

There are 2 sales jobs in Leicester

Searching high and low for a sales job in Leicester? On this page, we’ve collected some of the best options available. In a few clicks, you can sort our job offers according to your preferences. Whether you want to climb the ranks, or gain some experience, there are sales vacancies in Leicester for every type of jobseeker. When you’ve found a suitable vacancy, click ’apply directly’ and follow the on-screen instructions. Be sure to register on our website, so that you can upload your CV and fill in all relevant details for our recruiters. Then, turn on job alerts to get the latest sales jobs in Leicester delivered to your inbox!

Everything you need to know about sales jobs in Leicester

A typical sales career begins with a job as a sales assistant in Leicester’s retail sector. They’re perfect for those with little experience, and you’ll have a wide variety of responsibilities. These could include greeting customers as they come into the shop, giving them advice, and helping them pay. You can sort the vacancies on this page by ‘retail’ or head to our retail jobs in Leicester to find sales assistant vacancies. These roles are also ideal jobs for Leicester sales graduates, as they tend to be entry-level. Check out our graduate jobs in Leicester and sort by ‘sales’ to find relevant options.

If you’re not totally comfortable with a face-to-face sales job, businesses in Leicester need staff who can provide administrative support for their operations. This is where commercial assistant jobs in Leicester come into play. Tasks include monitoring production, communicating with sales and marketing departments, and providing outstanding customer service. Prefer to take charge of your own clients? Then an account manager job in Leicester may be a better match. Not too picky about the type of job or industry? Then you may want to check out a broader selection of sales representative jobs in Leicester.

With a little more experience, the sales world has plenty of doors waiting to be opened. Apply for a sales manager job in Leicester for example, if you’re ready to take the next step in your career. Not afraid to work with clients face-to-face? A field sales job in Leicester would suit you to a T. You’ll be visiting clients in the area and making deals with a handshake. Prefer to be in front of a camera, or help out with the production of sales material? Go for a telesales job in Leicester. If you know the direction you want to go in, just type in relevant keywords in the search box on this page.

Haven’t quite found what you’re looking for? That’s OK. We’re always updating our database with new sales jobs in Leicester. To stay up to date with the newest sales vacancies in Leicester, turn on vacancy alerts in your profile settings. That way, you’ll never miss out on new job posts.

FAQs about sales jobs in Leicester:

Does YoungCapital offer sales jobs in Leicester during the weekends or in the evenings?

We offer all sorts of part-time sales jobs in Leicester to fit your schedule. Check out our weekend jobs and evening jobs in Leicester, and sort by ‘sales’ to find suitable vacancies.

How quickly can I land an entry-level sales job in Leicester?

You should be able to land an entry-level sales job in Leicester relatively quickly! If your CV highlights some of your best qualities, or you mention previous jobs with transferable skills, you increase your chances of getting hired.