Interview tips

Job interviews are tough for everyone; being questioned and observed can feel stressful when you’re trying to show you’re the right candidate. That’s why we’ve created a list of the best interview tips and tricks to ease any nerves and ensure you ace the interview. These tips include everything from interview types, to how to prepare, to what to expect. And, bonus: you can apply these tips to your first, second, third, or fiftieth interview. Hopefully the process doesn’t drag on that long, though. So if you’re looking for some good interview tips to follow, keep reading. Or, check out our other interview articles about specific tips.

Types of job interviews

There are different kinds of interviews as well as mediums they’re done by. Tailoring your interview prep to your job interview type is key to being successful. Different kinds of interviews include:

  • One-on-one
  • Group
  • Panel
  • Competency-based

There are also various interview mediums, including:

  • In-person
  • Online
  • Phone

This article has general advice that can apply to all types of interviews; these tips are for group, solo, and every kind of interview in between. But, if you’re looking for something more specific, we’ve got you covered. Not having a traditional interview? Check out our panel interview or competency-based interview tips. Not having your interview in person? Take a look at our articles for online interview or phone interview tips.

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Interview preparation tips

Wondering how to do well in an interview? Let us help; follow these three key steps to prepare for your interview:

  1. Research
    Researching the organisation and role you’re applying for is interview advice 101. Look up basic info like company culture and background. It’s also good to research projects the organisation’s accomplished and how you might aid in that. For your position, find out about its main tasks, skills required, and potential development pathways.
  2. Presentation
    How you present yourself is crucial to making a great first impression; this is everything from what you wear to how you act. Prepare an outfit appropriate to the formality of your interview, and make sure you’ve got all the documents you need. This will make you appear organised and professional.
  3. Practice
    There’s a reason for the saying ‘practice makes perfect’. If you only choose one interview tip to follow, do this one. Go over what makes you a good candidate, like your qualifications, experience, skills, and traits. Sitting down with a friend or family member and conducting a mock interview also goes a long way. If you’re the nervous type, practising can help calm any interview nerves.

Preparation is key. For a more extensive list of advice, check out our article full of interview preparation tips.

What to expect during a job interview

It’s time for the interview itself. It can be nerve-wracking, but don’t worry. Now that you’ve learned how to prepare, it’s time for some interview tips and tricks about what to expect.

Interview questions you’ll be asked

While every job interview is different, there are some common questions and topics they cover. Our tips for your interview? Brush up on explaining your strengths and weaknesses, technical skills, background, and motivations. These are some of the most common topics to be asked about, as they can help interviewers determine if you’re a good fit. Want a comprehensive list of example questions to ask and answer? Check out our interview questions article.

Tips on things to say in an interview

Some candidates think that if you have all the skills and qualifications required for a role, you’re golden. But, let’s not forget that the other half of the battle is what you say in an interview. Often times, a less qualified candidate will get hired because they’ve made a great impression in the job interview. Our tips: be positive, honest, and ask questions.

Reflecting positively on both past and future events is an attractive quality. After all, interviewers are only human, and negativity can be very off-putting. Honesty is another desirable trait. Be open about what you want and need. Obviously, this goes hand-in-hand with being positive; you can still be honest while remaining positive.

Asking questions back to interviewers is an excellent way to appear invested and interested in the vacancy. Ask questions about the position or company. Want some help? In the interview, we recommend asking about company culture, role responsibilities, and growth opportunities. Find examples in the interview questions article linked above.

How to act in a job interview: top tips

Your behaviour is just as important as the things you say in an interview. Behaviour includes everything from body language to attitude. Your body language should project openness while also seeming professional. This may sound like a load of mumbo jumbo to you, so how do you do this? Sit up straight, keep your arms open (e.g. at your side), maintain eye contact, and keep your hands visible (e.g. on the table or making simple hand gestures).

As for your attitude, the best interview tip we have applies to all walks of life: be confident. When you’re shy or nervous, it can unfortunately be seen as a sign of weakness, and you might be unable to get all your points across. Don’t take this too far, though. There is a stark contrast between confidence and cockiness — interviewers don’t like arrogant candidates. Assertiveness and confidence go hand-in-hand in a job interview. That means: ask questions back and lead the conversation where you want it to go.

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Follow up after the interview

Want to leave a good impression when you’re done with your interview? Top tip: follow up after your interview. A thank-you email or call is an excellent way to show appreciation while also making sure you stay fresh in your interviewer’s mind. You can also ask for feedback or ask a question; both show you’re invested and curious. This is one of the most underrated interview tips, so be sure to stand out from the crowd by following up.

The top interview tips to keep in mind

Wondering how to do good in interviews? Here’s the key interview advice to takeaway:

  • Determine the type of job interview you’re having so you can apply the appropriate interview tips
  • Prepare for this interview with research and planning, like what the organisation does and what to wear
  • Practice! This includes what you’ll be asked and what to say, as well as your body language and attitude
  • Follow up after your interview with a thank-you letter, a feedback request, or to ask questions

Follow these interview tips and tricks, and you’ll get a job offer in no time! Don’t think we’d leave you high and dry about other job-related questions and needs, though. We have loads of other tips for CVs and salaries, as well as a state-of-the-art free CV maker. So get started, and put these interview tips into practice.

FAQs about interview tips

  • What are 5 good tips for an interview?

  • You can read the entire article for all our advice, but these are the most essential interview tips:

    • Research the company and role you’re interviewing for
    • Prepare for what questions you’ll be asked
    • Practise what questions to ask
    • Practise your body language and attitude
    • Follow up after the interview

  • What questions should I ask in a job interview?

  • Prepare to be asked about your strengths, weaknesses, background, and motivations. Want a list of examples? Check out our list of tips for job interview questions or our list of questions specific to final interviews.

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